Retain and reward
loyal customers.
If you are an independently owned service station, we can help you add a reward program to attract and maintain your customer base.
Interested in ServoTrack® Rewards?Fill out your details and we'll be in touch within 1-2 business days.
ServoTrack® for Business
Here are some features that you get with our business program:Rewards Program
Create a customised, branded rewards program, powered by our ServoTrack platform.Special Promotions
Run sales campaigns easily with the ServoTrack app. Allow users to scan your coupons with no fuss.Business Portal
View reward program usage, petrol price analytics and more via our easy to use online dashboard.Reward Program Features
The reward program you create with ServoTrack® is customisable to your needs.
Use your branding assets, including your logo and brand coloursReward Points
Assign reward points to your loyal customers based on their transactionsCustomisable Redemption
Allow points to be redeemed for in-store purchases or whole transactionsSpecial Promotions
Allow points to be redeemed for promoted items or servicesPricing
Rewards Program$40per month + GST and up
Customised Reward Program
Prominent appearance inside ServoTrack® app
Business Portal access
One special campaign per month included
Price includes first 300 return customers*
No lock-in contracts
Discounts available for yearly commitment
Special Promotions$40per campaign + GST and up
Run a campaign for 30 days
Integrate coupons generated by your POS system
Prominent appearance inside ServoTrack® app
Business Portal access
Other additional fees

* Return customers are defined as any members who utilise the rewards program more than once and were active in during the monthly billing period (e.g. redeemed or earned points, claimed a reward). Only pay for repeat customers who return because of the rewards program.One-off set up fee
Setting up access to your business portal
Customisation and branding of your rewards program
Multi-channel marketing campaign with ServoTrack® to advertise the program launch
$99+ GST
Extra return customers
Pricing beyond the first 300 return customers is discounted on a sliding scale
Please contact us for pricing
Other additional fees

One-off set up fee
Setting up access to your business portal
Includes multi-channel marketing campaign with ServoTrack® to promote your first campaign
$99+ GST
Interested?Please fill out your details below and our ServoTrack for Business team will be in contact with you.